Starkhollow Hall

Created by Joie Martin

An investigative, gothic fiction-inspired roleplaying game set in a remote girls' boarding school

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Tue Aug 16 '22 Announcement
over 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 10:30:23 AM

Hi everyone! I am back from Gencon and continuing work on Starkhollow Hall. Most of September is going to be dedicated to finalizing the manuscript and working on layout for the core book. I've also made a lot of progress with Flowers Withered on the Stem, and I'm hoping to begin layout on that book in October.

The Mystery Boxes are very close to being done, though I need to do some more sewing before they are complete. If I continue my current rate of progress, I should be able to send the books to the printer in November, and be able to ship all physical rewards in early December. I'll continue to update you on any changes that might happen between then and now, but I'm pleased with how things are progressing so far.

I will also be closing pre-orders and collecting funds for shipping on October 12th! I'll send a reminder about a week before, and the day before cards will be charged, but please make sure your credit card information and shipping addresses are correct before October 12th.

I think that's everything for now. I'll be back next month with another update!

Thu Jul 28 '22 Announcement
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 10:01:52 AM

Hi everybody! Here's your monthly progress report for Starkhollow Hall, an update on my health, and some exciting news from Drowning Moon Studios. If you're a backer for Follow Me Down, a lot of this will feel familiar to you, but for those who are not, read on:

Progress on Starkhollow Hall

I'm dedicating much of August and September to giving the manuscripts for Starkhollow Hall and Flowers Withered on the Stem one final polish before sending them off to our editor. Most of October is dedicated to finishing Follow Me Down, while Starkhollow Hall is being edited, but layout for both Starkhollow Hall and Flowers Withered on the Stem is scheduled for early November. I hope to have Starkhollow Hall to the printer before the end of November, and should start shipping books in early December. I still need to do a bit of sewing for the Mystery Boxes, but I've made a lot of progress on the other components.

Health Update

As previously mentioned, managing my health has been an almost full-time job for the last couple of months, and I've had dozens of tests and appointments with specialists, trying to figure out what's wrong. So far, we've managed to rule out a lot, including ovarian cancer, which was what I was really worried about, but we're still looking for answers on a few things. What we do know for sure is that one of my kidneys is enlarged, and the tube that leads from kidney to bladder is dilated and not draining properly. I have another appointment with my urologist coming up, where we'll discuss options, but it's very likely that I'll need surgery to put a stent in my kidney sometime in the next few months. I've also got a colonoscopy and endoscopy coming up, as well as a mammogram.
Obviously, I don't feel fantastic, but having to go to so many appointments and procedures is what is really slowing me down, since they tend to be long and exhausting. The medical system in the US remains overwhelmed, both from covid and from a lack of personnel, which means wait times at offices are longer, and appointments are more difficult to schedule. I'm doing my best to muddle through without exhausting myself, and will continue to work on Starkhollow Hall until the project is complete.

Wayfaring Strange

In more positive news, I've just released a free PDF ashcan of upcoming Drowning Moon Studios game Wayfaring Strange. Wayfaring Strange is an original, diceless tabletop roleplaying game that explores the concepts of hidden highways, urban legends, folk magic and survival in liminal America. Players portray Wayfarers, people existing on the fringes of society doing their best to survive, or even thrive in a shadowy, dangerous underworld ripe with unknowable power.
I've been working on Wayfaring Strange since 2018 and will be crowdfunding it in early 2023 (probably March-ish, but I haven't settled on a date just yet). In the meantime, you can download the free PDF ashcan from DriveThruRPG, itch, and the Drowning Moon Studios website. There are also a handful of limited edition print copies of that can be purchased on the Drowning Moon Studios website, or at the IGDN booth at various conventions. When I say they're limited, however, I mean really limited; there are only 35 copies of the print ashcan, and when those sell out, they're gone.


Speaking of conventions, I'll be demoing Wayfaring Strange at Gencon next week. I'll also be helping out with the IGDN game room in ICC 125/126 on Thursday and Friday evening, so if you're attending, swing by and say hello. As mentioned above, you can pick up a print copy of the Wayfaring Strange ashcan at IGDN booth 132 the Exhibitor Hall, along with dozens of other amazing titles by IGDN members (some of my favorites are Enniee nominees Rest in Pieces and Good Strong Hands, and previous Drowning Moon Studios release, Mage to Order).
There are also a few small surprises at Gencon for those who purchase the Wayfaring Strange print ashcan, demo the game, or simply keep their eyes open. And, sometimes, small surprises can lead to even bigger surprises...

That's All for Now

And, on that cryptic note, we wrap up this month's post. I'll be back next month to update you on Starkhollow Hall's progress, and keep you in the loop about any new information. Once again, thank you for supporting Starkhollow Hall, and thank you so much for being patient. I know waiting isn't easy, but I want to give you the best game I possibly can, even with delays.

Thu Jun 9 '22 Announcement
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 09, 2022 at 11:11:27 AM

Hi everyone, this is an unscheduled update for Starkhollow Hall, as some recent events have altered the production timeline.
Unfortunately, I spent the last three days in the hospital due to an acute infection and haven't been able to complete the work I intended to do this week. I'll also be doing follow-up appointments for the next couple of weeks, which means I will be behind schedule on Starkhollow Hall. Most of the first chunk of June was blocked out for polishing up the writing on the Starkhollow Hall rulebook and, unfortunately, that will have to have to be rescheduled. I'll be traveling for business for much of July through August and will only be able to minimal work during that time. I have already blocked out additional time to work on Starkhollow Hall in early September, but I do realize that is cutting it very close to the fulfillment deadline.
I apologize for being behind and do still intend to deliver Starkhollow Hall before the end of the year. I will make sure to keep you updated on any additional issues or delays.

Tue May 24 '22 Announcement
almost 2 years ago – Tue, May 24, 2022 at 01:44:40 PM

Hi everyone, this is your monthly update for progress on Starkhollow Hall! Not much has changed since our last update, as I spent most of May focusing on project direction for Follow Me Down, but I'll be diving fully into work on Starkhollow Hall in June. There's still plenty of time for add-ons and pre-orders (or to fill out your survey if you haven't gotten around to it), and I'll keep you updated as work on the game continues to progress.

As mentioned in our previous update, I'll begin traveling to conventions again in mid-July to promote and run demos of Wayfaring Strange, which is the next project planned after Follow Me Down and Starkhollow Hall have been fulfilled. If you'd like to play a game about folk magic, urban legends, hidden highways, and liminality in the American landscape, catch us at Breakout and Gencon this summer, and Metatopia and PAX Unplugged in the fall.

That's all for now, so keep an eye out for the next update in June. And, as always, I hope you're doing well and please stay safe!


Wed Apr 27 '22 Announcement
about 2 years ago – Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 10:02:58 AM

Progress Report

Hi everyone! I took a brief hiatus for most of April to handle some health and administrative tasks that had been put off due to the pandemic, but I am back and ready to work. As previously mentioned, the first draft of Starkhollow Hall is complete, and I'm in the process of fine tuning the text before sending the manuscript off to an editor. I've also been working on art for the game, and have a lot of it to choose from when it comes time for layout.
Progress for Flowers Withered on the Stem will mostly occur once I send the main book off for editing, so it currently remains an outline. I've also been working on the ephemera for the Mystery Boxes at a rate of about one box a month, which has been a lot of fun. I'll probably try to incorporate more "hands-on" rewards like this in future crowdfunding campaigns.
I'll mostly be focusing on work for Follow Me Down for the rest of May, but will be concentrating more on Starkhollow Hall in June. I expect work will go quickly on this game, so it should easily be possible to hit our fulfillment deadline in December.

Convention Season

After 2+ years away, I'll be returning to the convention circuit this summer, starting with Breakout in Toronto on July 15th - 17th. In August I'll be heading to Gencon with IGDN, then onto Metatopia in November, and PAX Unplugged in December. I'll be running demos of upcoming Drowning Moon Studios game Wayfaring Strange at all of these conventions, as well as demos of other IGDN members' games at Gencon and PAX Unplugged.
And that's all for now. I'll be back next month with another update. Once again, thank you for supporting Starkhollow Hall!